The fascia roller: better recovery and fewer injuries?


02.07.2023 Reading time: 3 min

Now new in the app: workouts with the fascia roller

"Sorry coach - I can't make it to practice today, I'm still exhausted from the weekend...".

Who doesn't know it, as a player or coach? Lack of regeneration after a hard game at the weekend, or after the last training in the preparation and the next training must first be paused.

A key for a better regeneration? The fascia roller.

In this article, we take a look at the scientific importance of fascia, explain when "rolling" can be effective, and reveal some exciting news about upcoming workouts with the fascia roller and even massage guns.

Let's dive in!

Why are fasciae important?

Before we go into detail about fascia roller, it is important to understand why fascia in general plays a big role.

Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds and connects our muscles, bones, tendons and organs. They act as powerful shock absorbers that support our movements, prevent injuries and optimize muscle function.

Healthy fascial tissue allows us to have better mobility, flexibility and performance.

The fascia roller in the B42 app:

At B42, we always strive to provide you with the best possible training experience.

Many of you have asked us why we don't include fascia roller workouts in our app, because the scientific benefits are controversial. But since the fascia roller is now simply part of everyday training for many of you, we naturally want to provide you with the appropriate sports science support.

That's why the fascia roller will be integrated into our B42 app and our workouts in the future.

The corresponding exercises aim to fully exploit the above-mentioned benefits of fascia rolling and help you take your training to the next level.

Our trainers and experts are hard at work developing innovative workouts tailored to your needs. So you can look forward to even more exciting and effective exercises to vary your workout and maximize your progress.

In the near future, we'll also be introducing exercises and workouts that specifically target the use of massage guns.

These powerful devices can promote blood flow, speed muscle recovery, and relieve deep muscle tension. You can look forward to a new level of relaxation and recovery!

The advantages of "fascia rolling":

Rolling" with a fascia roller has proven to be extremely effective for many athletes in improving the health and functionality of the fascia.

By applying targeted pressure to the fascia, adhesions and tensions can be released. This improves circulation, which in turn leads to better oxygenation and nutrient delivery to the surrounding tissues.

Therefore, "fascia rolling" has several advantages!

Injury Prevention:

By releasing adhesions and tension, potential injuries can be avoided.

Good fascia care can help prevent overuse injuries and increase the resilience of the tissue.

Mobility improvement:

Targeting fascia can improve joint mobility and release restricted areas.

This allows greater freedom of movement and improved athletic performance.

Rest and regeneration:

Fascia rolling promotes recovery after exercise by increasing blood flow and aiding in the removal of metabolic waste.

This can lead to faster recovery and a reduction in muscle soreness.


The fascia roller can be a valuable addition to your workout. With its multiple benefits for injury prevention, mobility and recovery, it's a valuable tool for anyone looking to optimize their workout.

Take your training to the next level and take care of your fascia - your body will thank you!

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Workouts with the fascia roller in the B42 app.

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